Pricing and Full List of Channels In ZING Digital Kerala Packages
There are Utsawam , Kaayikam , Ullasam , Swagatham packages in ZING Digital Kerala Service. You can check the full channels and pricing of ZING Digital Kerala from Here. Swagatham is the basic package of ZING Digital Kerala and its priced at 99 R.S Per Month. Swagatham Package of ZING Digital Kerala Offering 150 Channels and Services. You can watch all the Malayalam channels through Swagatham pack of ZING Digital Kerala with an add on. Malayalam Lokam is a add on at ZING Digital Kerala for 40 R.S per month. With this subscription you can watch all the Malayalam channels in ZING Digital Kerala.

Basic Packs
Ullasam Package of ZING Digital Kerala Is Offering 215 Channels and Services for R.S 199 Per Month. Through this package you can enjoy all the malayalam channels. 26 Malayalam channels is Available on Ullasam Package of ZING Digital Kerala.

Indian DTH Packages
Kaayikam Package Contains 225 Channels and Service, its priced 239 R.S Per Month. This package also contains all the Major Malayalam channels. Also popular Tamil, Telugu, hindi channels included in this package. Star Sports 1, Star Sports 2, Star Sports 3, Star Sports 4, Ten Action, Ten Cricket, Ten Sports, Sony Six, Sony Kix , Neo Prime, Neo Sports, DD Sports are the sports channels included In this pack. ZING Digital Kerala Packages contains almost all the Available Indian and Popular Channels.
In ZING Digital Kerala Packages, Utsawam is the Higher One. Its Offering 290 Channels and Service. Utsawam Package of ZING Digital Kerala Priced at 349 R.S Per Month.
i want to subscribe zing digital, please send the details.
I am happy to note that you are offering 26 Malayalam channels in your channel bouquet Ullaasam. Will you please furnish the list of Hindi and also other Entertainment channels offered by you in this package ? Thank you…
i want to subscribe zing digital, please send the details.