satellite tracking app list and details

now there are lot of applications in android and ios that helping dish tracking. with the help of these applications you can easily get the direction of satellites and other details. how can i get satellite tracking app for my android device ?. all knows that google play store is the solution for searching android apps. to find perfect dishtracking apps you need to check with google play store. search with ” satellite finder ” or similar keywords. it will list the matching applications.
Free to use Applications
satfinder, satellite director, satellite ar, satellite pointer, satellite dish pointer, satellite locator etc are some of the apps that helps satellite tracking. smart compass is another app that helping to find the satellite angle. we will explain all these apps in different posts. now you can check the list of some interesting applications that helps you to find the satellite angle and details. these are very simple and effective applications. you should check these applications and feel the easiness of dishtracking.

Dishtracking mobile applications
some of this applications and free to download and use. but some satellite tracking android app requires payment. you can find lot of free to download and use dish tracking android applications. SatFinder is one of the popular satellite tracking application. this will help you to set up satellite dish by getting the required parameters. SatFinder give you azimuth, elevation and LNB tilt for your location (based on GPS) and chosen satellite from list.
finding satellite angle, elevation, azimuth are very important in satellite tracking. with the help of satellite tracking app you very easily find these factors. once you get the angle and other details dishtracking will be very easy. check the list of all satellite tracking app from here and get the download details from google pay store. you can check the upcoming posts about dishtracking applications and read it from here.
How i can use it with my dish antina for find signals ..nd what method of using it ..can any one tell me??